: 05th september - october 05th .2007:

SAT[GALERIE], 1201 St. Laurent, Montréal
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: curator :
tobias c. van Veen
: curatorial statement :
How does one exhibit the unseen? Can sound, too, be experienced as an art, or is it always submitted to the sign of music?
To expose the non-visual is an aporia. For sound cannot be hung on a wall. Nor are minimalist assemblages of speakers enough. The experience of sound requires a supplementary environment: the concert hall, broadcast booth, club….
espaceSONO :: audio.lab is a laboratory for audio environments. We offer a few hypotheses in how to engage sound with your body. Sound that is not music. Thus the vague concept of ‘sound-art' being applied here: sound-art as ‘not-music.'
The espaceSONO ::audio.listening.lab is a headphone listening space, a sound-installation, and a global curatorial project that reflects the diversity of approaches and practices in sound-art today.
Some fourty artists from ten countries are represented, each offering a unique foray into sound. The works are designed to be heard in a focused listening environment over headphones. Two installations open new ways of containing sound-art while a series of performances demonstrate the versatility of artists engaged in sound exploration as they shift from composition to performance.
Many of the artists are affiliated with a local node of the international Upgrade network, an organisation of artists and practitioners in the technology and media arts. As a global curatorial project, the audio.lab reflects the themes of self-organisation and DiY (Do-It-Yourself) that drives the Upgrade network.
As a collection of sound works, the audio.lab enters into a world of challenging listening that touches upon a multiplicity of practices, from electro-acoustic to field recordings and microsound, contact microphones to remixes, sine waves to granular synthesis, home-built turntables to circuit-bending, customized software patches to noise, explorations of the body to abstract principles, found sounds to interventions in video gaming and the political sphere….

espaceSONO vernissage:
september 5th 2007. 5@7 w/ music @ 8pm.
Jim Bell & Katherine Liberovskaya (NYC/Montréal)
Celine Beyond & Scant Intone (Montréal)
Esther Bourdages (Montréal)
FISHEAD (Montréal)
tobias.dj (Montréal)

september 14 th 2007, 8pm.
SAT MAIN ROOM, $10 @ door.
Martijn Tellinga / BOCA RATON (Netherlands)
o.blaat (NYC)
Mike Hansen (Toronto) & Martin Tétreault (Montréal)
Nathan McNinch (Montréal)
Doug van Nort (Montréal)
tobias.dj (Montréal)

sound.walk with Andra McCartney (Montréal)
20th September, 2007, 6:30pm. FREE.
rendez-vous @ SAT

September 27 th , 2007, 6:30pm.
SAT [GALERIE], $5 @ door.
Anna Friz (Toronto)
Mankind (Alexis O'Hara & D. Kimm)(Montréal)
Kathy Kennedy (Montréal)
espaceSONO artists
Alexis O'Hara (MTL)
Andra McCartney (MTL)
Andrew Brouse (UK)
Anna Friz (TO)
Carrie Gates (SK)
Charles Stankievech (MTL)
Doug Van Nort (MTL)
Esther Bourdages (MTL)
Francisco López (ES)
HarS / ookoi (NL)
Helen Thorington (MA)
hellothisisalex (NL, CA)
Jamie Allen (NYC)
Jim Bell (MTL)
Katarina Zdjelar (NL)
Katherine Liberovskaya (NYC)
Kathy Kennedy (MTL)
Marlena Corcoan (DE)
Martha CC. Gabriel (BR)
Martijn Tellinga / BOCA RATON (NL)
Martin Tétreault (MTL)
Mike Hansen (TO)
Nathan McNinch (MTL)
Nebojsa Andjelkovic (SP)
o.blaat (NYC)
onetoofreefor (BE)
Phill Niblock (NYC)
Scant Intone & Celine Beyond (MTL)
Shona J. Dietz & Éveline Boudreau (SK)
Silvester Stöger (AT)
sound_00 (MK)
Tim Hecker (MTL)
tobias c. van Veen (MTL)
tomas phillips (US)